The Ramryge Angels - Perspex Bereavement Sculptures

Based in the Ramryge Chantry Chapel, St Albans Cathedral, the installation ‘Bereavement Studies’ comprises six Perspex sculptures which are lit from below. The sculptures have been hand etched and heat formed and depict the stages of bereavement as established by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.

There are five suggested stages (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression & Acceptance) but Claudia believes that after Acceptance one can find Peace —which is the sixth sculpture. Each sculpture is set into one of six empty statue niches in the 500 year old chapel, that have been empty since the reformation. She is also interested in the use of such sculptural imagery for meditation and contemplation.

Visiting St Albans Cathedral

In December 07/January 08 the Ramryge Angels (as they became known) were purchased by the ‘Friends of St Albans Abbey’. They are therefore now on permanent display, as part of the fabric of the Abbey—something new within the ancient. The Ramryge Chapel also has the Cathedral book of Remembrance on view beneath the Angels. The Chapel has become a quiet and fitting place where loved ones can be remembered, and those visiting can be reminded that bereavement is a journey, however difficult, which can lead towards hope.

Purchasing Ramryge Angels

If you would like a set of the Ramryge Angel postcards, (£3.00 + postage) please click the card pack image below to go to the Etsy shop listing, or email us. They come in a card pack of six images with descriptive text on the reverse. The Ramryge Angel Sculptures are available to buy as commissioned sculptures in two sizes. Full sized angels are £320 each and small sized are £145 each. Please email if you are interested in purchasing Angel sculptures – a full set of full size Angels is the reduced rate of £1800 and a set of small Angels is £800.

Denial Angel. © Claudia Ashley-Brown
Anger Angel. © Claudia Ashley-Brown
Bargaining Angel © Claudia Ashley-Brown
Depression Angel. © Claudia Ashley-Brown
Acceptance Angel. © Claudia Ashley-Brown
Peace Angel. © Claudia Ashley-Brown
Ramryge Angels Card packs - click to purchase from Etsy
"The transparency, the shaping, the etching, light and particularly the hands all represent the grieving process so aptly and beautifully."
Amanda S.
Visitor to Ramryge Angels Exhibition